Transforming the role of ‘EA’ and the power of flexibility
In my career as an EA, I became accustomed to being everyone’s ‘go-to’ person in and around the office.
For information, for tips, for help, for solutions, just “ask Lauren”.
Acting as the ‘source of all knowledge’ is something I always enjoyed about my roles. It kept me on my toes. I made sure I was indispensable to my boss and I held the respect of the rest of the staff because of it.
As well as making it my business to be in the know, on and off the record - I was the gate-keeper to the boss and the execs. The problem solver. The juggler. The mediator. Event planner. Counsellor. Speech writer. Travel agent. Diplomat.
All with a smile and signing off thousands of emails with ‘kind regards’.
Every day as an EA was different and varied. I could probably list more individual tasks than I did long days in a corporate office over a 15-year career.
Yet one repeated request led to my light-bulb moment.
Too often I had board members, visiting client CEOs and friends say to me,
“I need someone like you, Lauren.” “I just don’t need someone full-time but I want someone good”.
(Add pseudo recruiter to my task list…)
This is what led to my “ah-ha” moment and when my idea for The Well-Suited Group was born.
I loved what I did yet I knew a huge percentage of my daily tasks could be done remotely.
The way I worked today was lightyears from how I worked when I started out, even when compared to a decade ago.
The way my bosses work had changed significantly too.
I also had many professional friends at home caring for children and trying to find what seemed to be incredibly elusive, flexible AND fulfilling work.
I myself had recently realised I needed more time for my own family as well.
Thanks to technology and aspirational ‘life goals’ for a work/life blend, businesses can now operate 24/7 from literally anywhere. This connectivity allows us to choose when, where and how we work.
My model for The Well-Suited Group is built on just that, meeting a growing need for more flexibility in the workforce. Matching busy executives seeking premium executive support with highly skilled professionals.
The Well-Suited Group is based on a flexible framework – it’s tailored to individuals, and it’s about working smarter, more efficiently and saving (or making) time and money.
The benefits of flexible work for business and employees are numerous and mutually beneficial.
I look forward to sharing with you how The Well-Suited Group disrupts the traditional office and workforce and improves the flexible working landscape for businesses and employees in the future.